It's a truly rewarding experience to work for self.
I punch no time clocks.
I answer to no one.
If I don't work, I don't eat. It's incentive stay busy and stay on my grind.
To that end, it feels so good to go that extra mile to the benefit of myself and my own family. When you work for others all your hard work is strictly for them. Yes, you may get a pat on the back. Maybe even a little bonus or a promotion. But nothing beats doing it for dolo.
I realize that I didn't mention that I am no longer with that large South Florida non-profit. Yes, I'm on my own now. My client roster is growing by the day. I realized something was wrong when I started turning down clients to keep my day job. It quickly dawned on me I could make more money on my own than working for someone else.
It's not just about the money though. Money isn't everything. As the greatest book in the world states "The love of money is the root of all evil." So I try not to base my happiness or lack thereof on whether I do or don't have money. As long as my family is "comfortable" and not wanting for anything I am good!
It's about being able to take vacations when I want.
It's about being able to work on my schedule.
It's about staying home to raise my children. I was never in daycare a day in my life. I have vowed that I would never put my children there either.
It's about being in traffic on the way to fun. Not because I'm in some cranky commute.
So stay with me as I take a leap out on faith. I can always go back to work for someone else if this doesn't pan out. But so far everything is looking beautiful!