I took a great social media course by Manny Sarmiento. To say that he's a guru would be an understatement. People, if you're looking to learn the nuts and bolts of this new world of marketing please track Manny down and sign up for one of his courses. If you think that you're on the cusp of social media simply because you have a facebook fan page and twitter page you are wrong! There's so much more to it.
For example, I was breezing through Facebook today and a friend of mine had yet another annoying sales pitch urging readers to call her 800 number to get into some MLM program she's in. She probably thinks she'll grow her business that way, and that's usually how people pitch their products. But honestly, would YOU call her 800 number when hit with a daily barrage of messages selling you something? No? Then don't do it to other people. There's a trick to lure in buyers but that aint it. Manny will tell you how it's done. To that end, this blog, and my church's blog will be updated more regularly. So no more months between posts. You'll get something fresh out the oven at least twice a week.
I can go on and on about Manny's courses (which will be offered as a full fledged certification program at Millennia Atlantic University soon). But what I really want to say is that I have so much I want to accomplish in 2010 and the year is half way out. Right now I'm working on completing the mba primer so I can attend graduate school. I just started a new job about 3 months ago. I am the Communications and PR manager for a large South Florida non-profit. That job keeps me plenty busy, along with my side business which is a fledgling media company that does film/photography/web. My 18 year old is weeks from graduating High School, so there's senior prom, her cotillion, and graduation coming up. I'm in the process of moving into a new house. My husband just had knee surgery. I am super busy on committees at my church- oh yeah, so stay tuned for tomorrows blog. We have a historic event coming up that I want half of Miami to attend!
My life is just so full. So if you look back at my old blog posts where my life was pretty sparse and fastfoward a few years to what's going on now... night and day. I thank GOD for all his blessings! God has definitely been working in my life so I will always give him all the praise, honor and glory! Amen!
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