It's been more than a minute. I said that I would update this blog regularly but did not keep my word. Sometimes we let life get in the way of living. As it were, I had two deaths in my family within a two week period that rocked the very core of my existence.
As some of you may know, both my parents have passed on. My dad died a violent death on July 4, 1995 in a Brooklyn basement. No one will ever know the truth about what happened in that dank and decrepit place where my father spent his last moments on earth. I obssessed about it for years until my mother died suddenly on November 12, 2001. She died in her sleep after having a grand mal seizure. And with that I felt a page turn in my life. Unless you've lost a parent, I cannot describe to you what it feels like. And we all know that it's natural for us to outlive our parents. But when you lose both of them by the time you hit 25... that's... devastating to say the least.
My paternal grandfather died in 2007. We lived right around the corner from each other and never saw one another. There's baggage there. Unresolved now, because the opportunity to work things out and forge a relationship has come and gone.
Then on March 30, 2009 my maternal grandfather died in his sleep from complications from colon cancer. My grandfather was the father I had when my biological didn't bother to quote Shaq. He was also a man of few words so I'll be concise here. He was a wonderful family man, a WWII vet who came home in one piece with honors. A retiree from UPS who raised 3 kids and had a hand in raising 8 grandkids. I am so happy he lived to see Obama in office. As an educated man, a Mason, a member of the Kiwanis club and a trained tailor my grandfather was the epitome of strong black man. Women today could only wish to get a scintilla of the man that he was and they would still have a mighty mighty good man on their arms. RIP Daddy!
My grandmother then lost her brother 2 weeks later. He too was such a solid man. They just don't make them like they used to. He was a Korea vet, a retired Federal government employee, a father to 3 children, a loving husband... I can go on and on. But I'd rather just celebrate their lives.
Because even in death, there can be a rebirth for those who are still among the living. If the passing of a friend or relative doesn't make you stand up and take notice... smell the roses... feel that ocean breeze kiss your chocolate cheek- then you, my friend aren't really living. And the only difference between you and those who have passed on are motor functions. So stop what you are doing. Close the laptop. Turn off the television. Go outside, whether it's day or night and gaze up at the sky. Marvel in the beautiful day or night that God has made and allowed you to see for a least one more day. You only have one life to live so live it to the absolute fullest.
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