Sunday, May 3, 2009


MEDIA CONTACT: Richard Clarke Tel. 305.594.7615 ext 274

South Florida Workforce Launches Youth Employment Program MIAMI-DADE

COUNTY, Fla.) – In an attempt to mitigate the impact of youth unemployment in South Florida, the South Florida Workforce Investment Board (SFWIB) recently launched its Summer Youth Employment Program to assist young people between the ages of 14-24 gain an understanding about careers, the workplace and appropriate employment skills by linking students to employers for work experience and career exploration.

The program is a public/private partnership between the South Florida Workforce Investment Board, the businesses community, and the public sector. The initiative is being supported pursuant to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The program’s concept is simple: local employers (both public and private) are being encouraged to provide career exploration opportunities to young people within their organizations during the summer months and the SFWIB will cover the youth participant’s wages for the hours worked.

According to Rick Beasley, Executive Director of South Florida Workforce, “the Summer Youth Employment Program is a great opportunity for local employers to make a contribution to their community and help create a simulative economic impact on the local economy; at the same time providing career exposure to our future workforce. I encourage anyone who is in a position to provide a placement opportunity to contact us for information about the program. It’s a great investment in our youth.”

For more information about the SFWIB’s Summer Employment Program, visit the agency’s website at:

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