Monday, August 22, 2011

Leadership Series Part 1

If you can't follow, you're probably not a good leader.

That concept may be a hard pill to swallow, but it's true.

Before I go off on my spiel, let me tell you what entitles me to consider myself a great leader. First, I am an ENTJ on the Myers-Briggs personality scale. In other words, I am a natural born leader. We used to be known as the Field Marshal. Now we are known as the Executive. 

Click here to learn about us.

Basically, even when I don't want the position of a leader, I am always selected for the role because people see these qualities in me. It has been my downfall more often than not, but it is what it is. I should also mention it is extremely rare for a female to be an ENTJ. 

I have been in the workforce for 11 years. For only the first 3 of those years was I not in a leadership role. In fact, my promotion to supervisor at one of jobs was one of the fastest ascensions of that time. Now, they give out that position like candy. But when I got the position, there were many angry, bitter people who had been sitting around upwards of 7 years as a coordinator while I breezed in the door, and 2 years later, I was a boss.

It happens in every organization I'm in. I sat quietly at an election late last year. I was new to the org, and was eager to see who our newly elected officers would be. I had no desire to have a seat- after all, I was still trying to learn. Imagine my surprise when I was elected to a position that is 2 steps away from president...

And in my church group. Less than six months after joining the church I was elected vice president of a group. They rewrote the by-laws to state that vice president would automatically become president. I declined the position after a two year term as vice president, and asked not to be nominated for any more executive committee positions. Why? Because at the same time I held exec committee positions in no less than 3 other organizations- one of which had me in the role of president. Even natural born leaders have a breaking point. Plus it would be a great disservice to all the organizations to have my attentions divided so much. Jack of all trades, master of none.

Other people would accept all these positions like accolades, and even beg for more. The problem with today's society is that they are too many chiefs and not enough Indians.

Everyone wants to be the boss. Everyone wants that promotion. But most people suck at leadership.

The reason why I was such a good boss was because I first was a great employee. I was rarely late. I never complained about working long hours. I understood the big picture. Though I hate politics, as I matured I learned how to play the game. 

As a boss, I was firm, but fair. I never held my employees to standards that I didn't hold myself to. I believed in employee development, and it was my sincere goal to mold my employees into leaders as well. Unlike insecure leaders who put as many positions as possible between themselves and their subordinates for job security, I actually wanted to create supervisor and team leader positions to give my crew something to work towards. When people feel like they are blocked with no where to go their performance suffers. And I have super high standards for my squad.

Want to be a good leader? First learn how to follow. 

Want to be a good leader? Second build a strong team. 

Want to be a good leader? Third learn that respect is earned, not given. Just because you're the boss does not mean that they owe you a shred of respect. Give them something to respect.

Want to be a good leader? Stay in your lane. Don't be so busy worrying about everyone else's role and what they are doing wrong and what they could be doing better that you forget your own responsibilities. This happened to me recently. Someone was so concerned with telling me how to do each and every facet of my position (as president by the way, you'd think the person you elected to lead has a little common sense, right?) that they forgot each and every facet of what THEY were supposed to do that day. Keep your own house in order.

Want to be a good leader? Delegate. When you allow people to take on more you allow everyone to develop a skill, and you don't tire yourself out trying to be a superhero. That cape is hot in the summertime.

I'll be writing much, much more on leadership. Not only do I have nearly a decade of various leadership positions under my belt, and not only am I a born leader, BUT I have also taken many professional trainings and development courses on the subject. I'm not saying I'm the expert- but you'll definitely pick up a gem or two. Stay tuned...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Natural Hair Video Uploads!!!

Hey guys! I haven't forgotten about my blog. I've been super busy this year, but I have taken the time to make several Youtube videos with tutorials and product reviews to help my fellow transitioning and natural sisters on their journeys. Take a look. I do reviews on Kinky Curly Curling Custard, the Mixed Silk line by Silk Elements, and there are a few videos on 2 strand twists.

Please rate, comment and subscribe! I don't have many subscribers yet, but when I reach 100 I will do a giveaway, and then do one at each milestone (500, 1000, 5000, and gasp! 10,000).

I really think Youtube has been instrumental in helping me learn and love my tresses, and I want to give back some of the knowledge I have gleaned along the way! Happy hair growing!

-Escape Brooklyn

Thursday, June 9, 2011

"Mixed Silk" Shampoo by Silk Elements

I washed my hair with "Mixed Silk" shampoo by the Silk Elements line. Here is a video review. I give this product 2 big thumbs up! Hydrating, moisturizing, and non-stripping without leaving buildup. I definitely recommend this product to ladies of all hair types.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Natural Hair Care Can Be Expensive

If you're trying to save money by skipping weekly visits to the hair salon or beauty salon, going natural won't aid you in the regard. Natural hair care is just as, if not more expensive than caring for relaxed hair. Good, mid to high range sulfate, salt and silicone free products can be costly so carefully consider the reasons why you are starting this journey.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Hair at One Year Post Relaxer (Video)

As promised, more of what you love. Hair care info! I thank God for Youtube and hair boards. They have truly been a friend to me on this natural hair journey. It's so much easier for someone to go natural now. I hope to be a source of support and info as others have been for me. 

Look out for many more hair care videos to come. I have filmed dozens, I just need to post them. I also have videos coming up on Customer Service, and of course, my escape from Concrete Jungles. Stay tuned!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Big Red X on Ipod Screen (What Apple Doesn't Want You To Know)

You know what they say. Arm yourself with knowledge.

So I'm up working on the late night tip and discovered that my ipod might be truly broken and beyond recovery. I started to cry some baby tears because this ipod is VERY well taken care of. It's my second ipod. The first one (a 30 gig) still works well but I ran out of space so I gave it to one of my teens. I then went out and purchased a 160 gig Classic. I keep it in a case that covers every centimeter of it except the click wheel. I have never dropped it or gotten it wet. I only use it when connected it to either the jack in my car or my Bose Sound Dock. So imagine my surprise when this ugly scary message wouldn't leave my ipod screen:
After trying all the normal steps on apples website to the point of my thumbs hurting, I decided to search youtube. And voila! There were like 2 videos on the art of smacking an ipod back into shape. When I tell you I beat this ipod like it stole something (with open palm of course- and taking care not to damage the screen)... Anyway, the ipod kicked itself right out of purgatory and into the land of the living. I got a plug icon on the screen which prompted me to plug the ipod into my laptop to restore it.

Yes, I said RESTORE. Unfortunately you will have to restore your baby to factory settings if you ever see this nasty error. But it's a small price to pay as opposed to a brand new ipod or a trip to the Apple store for repairs. Wouldn't you agree? And though I have become an Apple FanGirl over the years and destest all Microsoft products, I am not trying to put more zeros in Steve Jobs bank account. I haven't even had this ipod two years. I am NOT trying to shell out hundreds of dollars on another one- or even one dollar on servicing this one. So I tried a simple method and had rousing success. Try searching apples website for any real answers and you'll end up with red thumbtips and a nice fat bill from "The Genius Squad" at your local Apple Store.

I would encourage everyone to try little remedies like this first before shelling out the big bucks at shops or replacing an item. I wouldn't recommend opening up the case and fiddling around with chips and wires- but if a good smack on the back of an ipod can save me some dough- I'm all for it. Of course I'll pass that knowledge on to you.

So faithful readers, always back up your music, movies, games etc. And when your ipod acts up- slap that sucka back in line with a few well placed pops.