HAPPY 2009!
1) To lose weight and get healthy. I'm diabetic, my life depends on it.
2) To tell my fiancee and children something good each and every day. So often we are quick to let people know when they're doing something wrong. But everyone needs some positive reinforcement every now and then.
3) To let go and let GOD. I need to stop obsessing over things and just let Gods will come to pass.
4) To have a better relationship with God.
5) To stop cursing.
6) To learn patience.
7) To manage my money better; save more, invest in 401k again, clean up my credit and stop compulsive buying.
8) To stop being a control freak.
9) To develop better sleep patterns. Right now I'm late to bed, early to rise. It's killing my body and zapping my energy. I need to get a solid 8 hours every night. Well, at least Sunday-Thursday.
10) To learn how to ride a bike. (Don't ask)
You don't know how to ride a bike???!!
Um... no. :|
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