Elliot Spitzer. Where do I begin? You made your career on the backs of others failures and shortcomings- perceived or otherwise. You attacked the hip hop industry with a fervor and vengeance that gave even the brashest, loudest mouthed in the black and brown music community pause.
In a nutshell, you acted like your crap didn't stink. But something else my wise old grandma always says is that "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." Well you threw bricks and they turned to boomerangs and came back to shatter your house into nothingness.
How can a man call himself ethical, just, and fair when he can't even keep his commitment to those who mean the most to him in this world? And if he can so easily cast his family to the side how quickly would he have tossed the best interest of the good people of New York State to the wayside?
I hope every second of pleasure you garnered from your seedy romps were worth the money spent. Because if you add up the price tag of your rendezvous that is what your family and the people you swore and oath to were worth to you. Was it half a million? A million solid? Whatever the price I can guarantee your face and place as a lecherous, immoral, unethical two faced hypocrite is printed on page 4080 in the history books.
New York has been through enough turmoil to outlast all of our lifetimes combined. Thanks for giving outsiders yet another reason to examine us under a microscope to look for grime and grit.
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